Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Congo...

The history of the Congo is complex and deeply troubled. Please conduct research about the history of this country (using the links below as a starting point). Then post a 500-word reflection on your assessment of how Kingsolver both portrays and uses the history of the Congo in The Poisonwood Bible. Is her telling of this part of the Congo's history accurate? Has she taken liberties with the facts? If so, why? If not, why? Does her use of the Congo's story help you understand some universal truths about humanity in terms of our response to conflict, betrayal and tragedy?



Barbara Kingsolver...

Conduct biographical research about Barbara Kingsolver and find out as much as you can about who she is, as a writer and as an individual. What are her interests, her passions? Make links to what she has written about the Congo in The Poisonwood Bible. What have you learned about Kingsolver's personal life that sheds new light on what you read in the novel? Be specific here and post your reflections in a 300-word response.